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Nsefu Conservation Day!

Nsefu Conservation Day is an event sponsored and organized by the Nsefu Wildlife Conservation Foundation.

The event happens annually during the second week of November and is aimed at bringing all the ten schools within our catchment to showcase their knowledge information of a friendly competition in the following activities.

  1. Poetry

  2. Drama in conservation

  3. Traditional dances

  4. Quiz on conservation

  5. Paper presentation on conservation.

We also do fun activities such as:

  1. Drinking competition (coca cola)

  2. Eating competition (Rice)

  3. Fight for the chair

  4. Filling in the bottle with water using the mouth

  5. Laughing competition

Awarding of prizes to deserving schools and pupils.

The activities are performed by all schools, community groups, and parents.

Schools provide participants in all these categories who compete among themselves. Then our judges give marks based on performance, and an overall winner is found.

The prizes are given from the 1st position to the 4th position, and then all schools are given equal participation prizes from 5th to 10th position, respectively.

Speeches are given to mark the end of the event, and the following are the speakers :

  1. Host Head Teacher

  2. Official Opening by Nsefu Director

  3. Vote of thanks by one pupil and parent

  4. Closing Remarks by His Royal Highness Senior Chief Nsefu.

To learn more about Nsefu Wildlife's Conservation Programs, click here:

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2017 Portraits of Zambia Calendar - Proceeds support Nsefu Wildlife

Help fight poaching by purchasing our new 2017 Portraits of Zambia calendar, a celebration of South Luangwa's wildlife.

All photos by Faith M. Walker.

Our new 2017 Portraits of Zambia calendar is a celebration of South Luangwa's wildlife. All photos were taken at and around Zikomo Safari Camp in South Luangwa National Park in Zambia. All proceeds go to Nsefu Wildlife Conservation Foundation (NWCF), which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting poaching and funding community projects to retrain local villagers in alternative means of employment. 

Photos were taken by Faith M. Walker. To purchase these or other photos, please visit

To purchase the 2017 Portraits of Zambia calendar, please email Coe Lewis at  She will take your order and mail to you.  *The price includes the mailing cost.

*Price: $25 (U.S.)

Take a look at the beautiful photos in our calendar.  Let each image inspire you to help us protect the amazing wildlife in Zambia.

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