Rangers stop illegal Timber Harvesting!

On June 25th, the Nsefu Wildlife Rangers received tip from a public source about some illegal logging suspects using a chainsaw to cut down timber.

Working with the Nsefu CRB, our Ranger team arranged an undercover operation utilizing only three rangers.

The rangers were sent out on June 27th to investigate and upon arrival, they witnessed six people carrying two rifles. The suspects recognized the rangers, abandoned their firearms and were able to escape! The investigation is continuing.

The rifles were secured at Nsefu CRB, statements were taken and the incident was reported to the investigation office at the Department of National Parks and Wildlife.

The rifles were eventually taken to the DNPW office and handed over to authorities.

Rangers investigating illegal timber harvesting


A Message from Nsefu Wildlife's Co-Founder Coe Lewis!


OB Street Fair & Chili Cook-Off