A Message from Coe, Victory & The Nsefu Wildlife Team!


Dear Nsefu Supporters,

We hope this newsletter finds you safe and healthy. We don’t think we need to remind you of the “elephant in the room”…COVID-19, but as much as we want to close our eyes hoping these events are just a nightmare, unfortunately they aren’t… and they are impacting every corner of the world. We are facing staggering losses of people just like us. Normal, hardworking, loving family members and friends, health care and front line responders, community supporters, leaders, and more have succumbed to this vicious invisible enemy. And it “is” and “will” impact the critically important work of Nsefu Wildlife. The global economic crisis has already reared its ugly head in the form of dramatically increased numbers of poaching throughout Africa. Our Ranger Program has never been needed more than now…and we need help!

Who knew that a foundation we started five years ago would be faced with an invisible foe? We are used to “foes” in the field known as poachers, but COVID 19 is going to be our biggest threat. What we considered “normal” will never be the same and the fear of the unknown will impact everything. Needless to say, fundraising and donations have and will take a major hit. Nsefu Wildlife has prided itself on being a transparent and very efficient foundation operating on a budget of approximately US$75,000/year. Yes, on only $75,000…we have been able to drop poaching by 70%, run a full-time ranger team of 10, build the Chabwera School classroom with toilets, along with our friends Park Lane Foundation are building the first Secondary school with a borehole in the Nsefu kingdom (with land granted by our friend and ally His Royal Highness Senior Chief Nsefu), and we have introduced wildlife education in all schools in the region via our “conservation clubs” with twice monthly game drives for students and teachers to enforce the importance of conservation.

Also, NWCF sponsored the Independence Day Celebrations with conservation presentations and the First Conservation Expo in the sector with 10 schools and well over 700 attendees. And from the beginning, we have developed economic opportunities like beekeeping and sewing in the sector to help combat the financial incentives to poach and traffic wildlife. Because of our deep commitment and far-reaching programs… the community of Nsefu has deemed us “their foundation” and we are incredibly humbled by their loyalty.


Nsefu is responding to the COVID 19 crisis in the community by distributing soap and sanitizer and educating the people about how to combat the virus. We have approved a “guns for food” program where weapons turned in turn will provide the funds to help people keep food on their table. We even answered the urgent need to help Zambians who lost everything due to generational flooding these past few months. Your foundation Nsefu Wildife rushed in with patrol boats for rescues and food relief. Nsefu Wildlife is “lifting” the sector every which way we can because in the long run, it builds strong community bonds and both people and animals WIN! Everything we have achieved is because of YOU.

Our work is never done and we are extremely concerned that global implications will strike the poverty stricken communities, thus increasing poaching and illegal activity. We hope we can count on your support to continue our critically important work. Nsefu Wildlife will continue to work incredibly hard to keep stabilizing the region and protecting both people and animals during this crisis and beyond. This will be a time marked in our history of how Nsefu Wildlife responded to potential catastrophe. We hope you join Team Nsefu and think of Team Nsefu for your charitable giving.

We pray for your safety and for those you love. May our planet rise to the challenge and become better stewards on the other side of COVID 19.

Thank you for your friendship and support. We are humbled and grateful.

On behalf of our entire Team Nsefu, Victory and Coe


Poaching surges across Africa as countries lose tourism money amid coronavirus!


Nsefu Wildlife is introducing organized soccer to the youth of the Nsefu Sector