Closing Down the Wildlife Markets
Nsefu Wildlife has teamed up with hundreds of organizations around the world calling for the Permanent Ban of Wildlife Markets around the world. The movement is #EndWildlifeMarkets #EndCovid. The link is clear between the COVID pandemic and open air “live and dead” wildlife markets.
The sharing of zoonotic diseases and viruses are enhanced with animals held under horrific conditions, proximity, and duress. Research has found a link with the pangolin (the most trafficked animal in the world with 1 pangolin stolen from the wild every 5 minutes)as the probable transmitting host of COVID most likely originating with bats.
With humans intersecting with wildlife under these conditions, it creates and created, a “petri dish”, and we are feeling the wrath of nature as we speak. Please share and sign the petitions we have introduced dealing with this pandemic. Please visit our website and our FB page -“Nsefu Wildlife” Thank you.