Nsefu Wildlife's Beekeeping Team processes fresh Honey!

The Nsefu Wildlife Beekeeping Team recently harvested and processed a small batch of honey, close to 5 litres.

We will be collecting and harvesting more honey at the end of August!

In keeping with Nsefu Wildlife's strategy of a multi-pronged approach to conservation and the preservation of endangered and vulnerable species...we have identified that attaining economic stability in the region is a critical piece to the puzzle.

Creating training, job, and income opportunities for the community helps support families but also, beehives provide a natural "fence" to protect crops and gardens. Elephants are deathly afraid of bees, so beehives distributed throughout vulnerable human/animal conflict areas of the Nsefu sector benefits both human and animal!


Dinner & Concert Series: Back to the Garden


Dinner & Concert Series: Stone Soul Band