Nsefu Wildlife Rangers making a difference!

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-11 at 11.51.29.jpg

Nsefu Wildlife Rangers recently had a very successful day on patrol! They found “fishermen” using illegal gear to catch fish, and our rangers confiscated their gear and chased them out of the area.

We keep an eye out for illegal fisherman, in addition to using illegal gear, they have also been known to poison water sources to mass kill fish which in turn can kill unsuspecting wildlife.

In other news, our Rangers at Milyote Gate have new accommodations. They’ll be staying in a recently built safari style tent, which has separate spaces for each ranger.

We’d like to thank our Rangers and support teams on the ground for keeping the Nsefu Sector safe from poaching!


Nsefu Wildlife Rangers get new gear!


World Ranger Day!