Fighting Extinction with Our Food Choices
Do you know that one of the most effective things you can do to help animals and the planet is by reducing your consumption of animal products? It’s true.
As wildlife conservationists, we see the horrible toll that poaching wreaks on animals. For every elephant that is killed for its tusks or a rhino for its horn, the earth loses not only another majestic endangered creature, but the families of those animals are severely impacted as well. As the herds get smaller, their chances of survival are also reduced. Poaching isn’t the only problem contributing to the extinction of our planet’s precious wildlife. Habitat destruction is forcing animals into smaller areas of land, and as a result, decreasing the availability of their natural food sources while increasing the potential for human – animal conflict.
Around the world, deforestation is a leading cause of habitat destruction and global warming. In Zambia, thousands of hectares of primary forest are burned every year for charcoal, a common fuel source. Industrial agriculture – also known as factory farming – is a major contributor toward habitat loss, pollution, and global warming.
The practices of industrialized agriculture result in the pollution of our atmosphere, soil and waterways while increasing the potential for significant animal and human health risks. By housing massive numbers of animals in tight, unsanitary and inhumane conditions, factory farming is not only bad for the environment, it’s bad for the animals, the farm workers and ultimately, the consumers. Infectious diseases like avian and swine flu have been traced to large scale commercial operations.
As consumers, we have a choice. By reducing or eliminating animal products from our diets, we can positively impact the destruction caused by factory farming. Each time you choose a veggie burger over a beef burger or tofu instead of turkey, you will be helping the animals, the planet and yourself. It’s a win-win-win!