Off-Road Motorcycles will Help Save Africa's Wildlife
100 Elephants are killed every single day in Africa!
Driven by poverty, supported by criminal syndicates and the international market for ivory, poachers armed with high-powered weapons, poisons, and snares are brutally and rapidly destroying these magnificent animals.
We are trying to stop poaching in its tracks and one of the best tools for the job are off road motorcycles. We’d like to provide our rangers the proper tools to end poaching in Zambia.
Nsefu Wildlife Conservation Foundation ( is asking the community to help us acquire new offroad motorcycles either through donation or at a low cost.
Speed is important to keep up with poachers and outrun wildlife! (Bike shown: Honda CRF450)
• Electric & Kick Start
• Reliability & Easy Maintenance
• Good Fuel Economy
• Good Offroad & On Pavement
• Can travel over 90 mph to keep up with poachers and outrun a Cheetah!