Mission Statement:
Nsefu Wildlife's mission is to preserve and protect wildlife in Zambia while developing and supporting community programs through education and economically viable alternatives to poaching.
Vision Statement:
We envision a world where wildlife is free from the threat of extinction.
We believe a well-trained and well-equipped anti-poaching enforcement team is the key to protecting Zambian wildlife. We support income-producing programs that are alternatives to poaching. We empower the community through an active partnership to accomplish NWCF's goals and objectives: We believe that educating Zambian youth about wildlife conservation is vital to changing community attitudes toward poaching.
“We turn donations into action with principled strategies to protect and sustain wildlife in tandem with educational efforts to empower the local community. ”
Nsefu.org facts:
Implements anti-poaching initiatives for the purposes of stabilizing local communities. We are a lean and focused foundation with a main objective of "putting poachers out of business." We do this by providing education and resources for local people to teach sustainable livelihoods so no one has to resort to poaching.
Endeavors to work with local authorities and park rangers to combat poaching activities and protect vulnerable areas. We aid in the prosecution of poachers.
Is based in the Nsefu Sector of the South Luangwa Valley in Eastern Zambia with an office in San Diego, California, USA.
Strives to educate the local citizens on the benefits of protecting their natural resources, enlist their help in wildlife law enforcement, and establish income-generating trades from which they are able to support their families and villages.
Is transparent in our activities.
Endeavors to aid authorities in the acquisition of resources required to help rangers combat poaching. Every day we patrol, snare-sweep, provide medical attention to vulnerable animals, and protect animals from poaching.