The Foundation's MISSION is two-fold:

To preserve and protect the wildlife in Zambia, while developing and supporting community programs which provide economically viable alternatives to poaching.

To educate the Nsefu Community, particularly its youth, about the critical importance of environmental and ecological stewardship.


We believe a well-trained and well-equipped anti-poaching enforcement team is the key to protecting Zambian wildlife. We support income-producing programs that are alternatives to poaching. We empower the community through an active partnership to accomplish NWCF's goals and objectives: We believe that educating Zambian youth about wildlife conservation is vital to changing community attitudes toward poaching.

Ready to take action

Poachers armed with poisons, snares, and high-powered weapons are relentlessly decimating our precious wildlife. Every day, 100 elephants fall victim, and a rhino is killed every eight hours.

Join us in the fight to protect our wildlife before it's too late. Spread awareness, support conservation efforts, and demand stronger measures against poaching.

Your contribution matters now more than ever. Consider donating today, whether it's a one-time gift or, even better, become a monthly donor. Together, we can make a lasting impact and safeguard the future of these majestic animals. Act now before it's too late.

A Lifeline for Africa’s Wildlife

Millions of animals in Africa are currently facing an unprecedented crisis: a devastating drought is threatening their survival, as natural water sources dry up, leaving wildlife without the most basic need—water. Many are on the brink, and the ripple effects could be catastrophic for the ecosystem.

But we have a chance to make a difference!

We are partnering with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) to construct a borehole in a crucial wildlife corridor, one of the most densely populated in the region. This borehole will serve as a reliable water source for animals during this drought, providing life-sustaining water for the region’s wildlife.

Time is of the essence. Your support can prevent further suffering and help sustain Africa's wildlife through this crisis. Together, we can build a future where these animals thrive, not just survive.